Thursday, 24 August 2017

Cats have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for hunting small animals such as mice and rats. A group of cats is called a chowder, a male cat is called a tom, a female cat is called a molly or queen while young cats are called kittens.The domestic cat is a small, typically furry, carnivorous mammal. They are often called house cats when kept as indoor pets or simply cats when there is no need to distinguish them from other fields and felines.they're cute, soft and one of the most popular pets in the world. If you love your cat or you're a cat person, you'll love these 100 cute facts about cats!


  1. Kia ora Jackson that is HILARIOUS!!!! It makes me laugh my head off

  2. Those videos are so funny! And I didn't know about the different names for cats before!


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