Saturday, 1 December 2018

what Im working on Term 4 Week 7

So i'm not going to put on a photo and this post is short so what i'm working on is three well one thing all of them are mashed into one anyway so my thing that i'm working on is m video so what I mean by mashed in to one i we video so I will put the links to all three thing 

so the first thing is nitro type that is what i'm playing in my video and my video also has an intro witch is really cool and at the start of my video has me saying (leave a like and subscribe)

second is we video so you can put different parts of the one video into places but I didn't do that I just cut out some of the video to make it short because you can only have the video 5 minutes long

third is mt video there not really much to say about it since I just explained what I did in the video and how I did it so yeah o right the link are right down below

link one nitro type ( link)

link two we video (link)

link three my video in total (link)     

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